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The GCLS Writing Academy Program

Updated: Feb 23, 2022


The GCLS Writing Academy is a year-long intensive writing program that takes students on a journey to publish a novel. We start with craft classes on creating compelling first chapters and using plot and structure to develop a plan for the novel. We offer classes on dialogue, point of view, character development, writing diversity, and so much more. More than that, we take students through to classes on writing blurbs and query letters and general information about the publication process.

We also offer one-on-one mentoring to help students transition from the classroom environment to the professional writing environment.

The program is structured to help writers of any level. We’ve had brand-new writers come through the program. We’ve also had writers on their fourth or fifth novel. This program is for anyone who can look at their own writing and say, “I would like to hone my skill.”

The writers we have had in this program are amazing and we are so proud of them, both while they are in the program and after. It’s one of the reasons we like to showcase our graduates on this blog. They are not only amazing writers, but also amazing people and we love sharing them with the world.

If you have been through the WA program and you’d like to be featured on our blog, please reach out! We’d love to chat with you.

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