Let’s give a warm welcome to Sheree L. Greer! Sheree will be joining the Writing Academy during the 2021-2022 academic year!

Sheree L. Greer is a text-based artist and educator living in Tampa, Florida.
She is a Yaddo and Ragdale Rubin Fellow, Astraea Lesbian Foundation grantee, and is the author of two novels, Let the Lover Be (a Rainbow Award Finalist) and Black Lives Matter-inspired A Return to Arms, as well as a short story collection, Once and Future Lovers and student writing guide, Stop Writing Wack Essays.
Sheree is the founding director of Kitchen Table Literary Arts and her work has been featured in literary journals, magazines, and anthologies.
Her most recent work, Bars, published by Fourth Genre, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and noted in Best American Essays 2019.
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: Sheree L. Greer
Kitchen Table Literary Arts: www.kitchen-table.org
Sheree L. Greer: www.shereelgreer.com
#ShereeGreer #biography #YaddoFellow #WritingAcademyInstructors #KitchenTableLiteraryArts #authorbiography #StopWritingWackEssays #OnceandFutureLovers #instructors #Instructorbiography #LettheLoverBe #AstraeaLesbianFoundationgrantee #RainbowAwardFinalist #PushcartPrizewinners #AReturntoArms #PushcartPrizewinner #GettingtoKnow #ShereeLGreer #RagdaleRubinFellow